Sunday, January 9, 2011

Magical Underwear

Sounds silly right? Underwear that has magical powers- what nonsense.
But for followers of Mormonism, this is a slang term for their temple garments.

Just like all religious clothing through time, these under garments serve a purpose of
  • protecting the wearer from the temptations and evils of the world
  • acting as a reminder of personal covenants and promises made in the Mormon temple to God.

These garments are only to be worn by adults who have been through an endowment ceremony.
During this ordinance, the participants are made to take oaths which are designed to help them pass by the angels guarding the gates of heaven. Also, this ceremony is made to prepare them in becoming priests and priestesses in the afterlife.

Some anthropologists have said that the garments act as an 'absent clergy', seeing as the LSD church does not have a professional clergy. This also reinforces the idea of Mormons being priests in the afterlife.

It's crossed my mind many times before, There are similar things in all religions that act as a reminder of our promises to God.
So why are non-Muslims so offended by the hijab? Why are they so convinced that it's a method Muslim men use to oppress their women? It's all nonsense.

Mormons have magical underwear, Muslim women have the hijab, Jews have the yarmulke, and they all seem to signify the same thing; closeness to God.

It's probably just in our nature to disagree and not understand things that are foreign to us, but a little tolerance for things that really aren't that foreign would do us all a ton of good.


1 comment:

  1. True dat..!! But then again when the lion roars the rest remain quiet and in fear.


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